Použiteľné HTML entity

&zápis; vzhľad slovenský  názov entity Anglický názov entity decimálny


nbsp   nedeliteľná mezera non-breaking space 160
iexcl ¡ obrátený vykričník inverted exclamation mark 161
cent ¢ cent cent sign 162
pound £ libra pound sign 163
uml ¨   diaeresis (spacing diaeresis) 168
copy © copyright copyright sign 169
ordf ª   feminine ordinal indicator 170
reg ® registrovaná značka registered sign (registered trade mark sign) 174
macr ¯   macron (spacing macron, overline APL overbar) 175
deg ° stupeň degree sign 176
plusmn ± plus mínus plus-minus sign (plus-or-minus sign) 177
sup2 ² na druhú superscript two (superscript digit two, squared) 178
sup3 ³ na tretiu superscript three (superscript digit three, cubed) 179
acute ´ dlhé á acute accent (spacing acute) 180
micro µ mikro micro sign 181
para znak odstavca pilcrow sign (paragraph sign) 182
middot · stredová bodka middle dot (Georgian comma, Greek middle dot) 183
cedil ¸   cedilla (spacing cedilla) 184
sup1 ¹   superscript one (superscript digit one) 185
ordm º   masculine ordinal indicator 186
Ocirc Ô   Latin capital letter O with circumflex 212
Otilde Õ   Latin capital letter O with tilde 213
Ouml Ö   Latin capital letter O with diaeresis 214
times × krát multiplication sign 215
Oslash Ø   Latin capital letter O with stroke  216
Ugrave Ù   Latin capital letter U with grave 217
Uacute Ú   Latin capital letter U with acute 218
Ucirc Û   Latin capital letter U with circumflex 219
Uuml Ü   Latin capital letter U with diaeresis 220
Yacute Ý   Latin capital letter Y with acute 221
THORN Þ   Latin capital letter THORN 222
szlig ß   Latin small letter sharp s (ess-zed) 223
agrave à   Latin small letter a with grave  224
aacute á   Latin small letter a with acute 225
acirc â   Latin small letter a with circumflex 226
atilde ã   Latin small letter a with tilde 227
auml ä   Latin small letter a with diaeresis 228
aring å   Latin small letter a with ring above  229
aelig æ   Latin small letter ae (Latin small ligature ae) 230
ccedil ç   Latin small letter c with cedilla 231
egrave è   Latin small letter e with grave 232
eacute é   Latin small letter e with acute 233
ecirc ê   Latin small letter e with circumflex 234
euml ë   Latin small letter e with diaeresis 235
igrave ì   Latin small letter i with grave 236
iacute í   Latin small letter i with acute 237
icirc î   Latin small letter i with circumflex 238
iuml ï   Latin small letter i with diaeresis 239
eth ð   Latin small letter eth 240
ntilde ñ   Latin small letter n with tilde 241
ograve ò   Latin small letter o with grave 242
oacute ó   Latin small letter o with acute 243
ocirc ô   Latin small letter o with circumflex 244
otilde õ   Latin small letter o with tilde 245
ouml ö   Latin small letter o with diaeresis 246
divide ÷ děleno division sign 247
oslash ø   Latin small letter o with stroke 248
ugrave ù   Latin small letter u with grave 249
uacute ú   Latin small letter u with acute 250
ucirc û   Latin small letter u with circumflex 251
uuml ü   Latin small letter u with diaeresis 252
yacute ý   Latin small letter y with acute 253
thorn þ   Latin small letter thorn with 254
yuml ÿ   Latin small letter y with diaeresis 255
fnof ƒ italské ef Latin small f with hook (function, florin) 402
Alpha Α   Greek capital letter alpha 913
Beta Β   Greek capital letter beta 914
Gamma Γ   Greek capital letter gamma 915
Delta Δ   Greek capital letter delta 916
Epsilon Ε   Greek capital letter epsilon 917
Zeta Ζ   Greek capital letter zeta 918
Eta Η   Greek capital letter eta 919
Theta Θ   Greek capital letter theta 920
Iota Ι   Greek capital letter iota 921
Kappa Κ   Greek capital letter kappa 922
Lambda Λ   Greek capital letter lambda 923
Mu Μ   Greek capital letter mu 924
Nu Ν   Greek capital letter nu 925
Xi Ξ   Greek capital letter xi 926
Omicron Ο   Greek capital letter omicron 927
Pi Π   Greek capital letter pi 928
Rho Ρ   Greek capital letter rho 929
Sigma Σ   Greek capital letter sigma 931
Tau Τ   Greek capital letter tau 932
Upsilon Υ   Greek capital letter upsilon 933
Phi Φ   Greek capital letter phi 934
Chi Χ   Greek capital letter chi 935
Psi Ψ   Greek capital letter psi 936
Omega Ω   Greek capital letter omega 937
alpha α alfa Greek small letter alpha 945
beta β beta Greek small letter beta 946
gamma γ gama Greek small letter gamma 947
delta δ delta Greek small letter delta 948
epsilon ε   Greek small letter epsilon 949
zeta ζ   Greek small letter zeta 950
eta η   Greek small letter eta 951
theta θ   Greek small letter theta 952
iota ι   Greek small letter iota 953
kappa κ   Greek small letter kappa 954
lambda λ   Greek small letter lambda 955
mu μ   Greek small letter mu 956
nu ν   Greek small letter nu 957
xi ξ   Greek small letter xi 958
omicron ο   Greek small letter omicron 959
pi π Greek small letter pi 960
rho ρ   Greek small letter rho 961
sigmaf ς   Greek small letter final sigma 962
sigma σ   Greek small letter sigma 963
tau τ   Greek small letter tau 964
upsilon υ   Greek small letter upsilon 965
phi φ   Greek small letter phi 966
chi χ   Greek small letter chi 967
psi ψ   Greek small letter psi 968
omega ω   Greek small letter omega 969
bull bodka bullet (black small circle) 8226
hellip tri bodky horizontal ellipsis (three dot leader) 8230
prime minuta, stopa prime (minutes, feet) 8242
Prime sekunda, palec double prime (seconds, inches) 8243
frasl šikmé lomítko fraction slash 8260
trade obchodná značka trade mark sign 8482
larr šipka vľavo leftwards arrow 8592
uarr šipka hore upwards arrow 8593
rarr šipka doprava rightwards arrow 8594
darr šipka dole downwards arrow 8595
harr pravo-ľavá šipka left right arrow 8596
part parciální derivace partial differential 8706
prod celkový súčin n-ary product (product sign) 8719
sum celkový súčet n-ary summation 8721
minus mínus minus sign 8722
radic odmocnina square root (radical sign) 8730
infin nekonečno infinity 8734
cap prienik intersection (cap) 8745
int integrál integral 8747
asymp anglické takmer rovné almost equal to (asymptotic to) 8776
ne nerovnost not equal to 8800
equiv identita identical to 8801
le menšie alebo rovné less-than or equal to 8804
ge väčšie  alebo rovné greater-than or equal to 8805
loz kosoštvorec lozenge 9674
spades piky black spade suit 9824
clubs kríže black club suit (shamrock) 9827
hearts srdcia black heart suit (valentine) 9829
diams kára black diamond suit 9830